A. Creating A Component
Step 1: Download Gecko SDK (gecko-sdk-i686-pc-linux-gnu-X.X.X.X) and Extract it to local directory "gecko-sdk".
Step 2: Use a utility "uuidgen" to generate UUID for our main Interface.
Step 3: Create an Interface defination file "KFFComponent.idl", use following template, simply replace uuid(1c0856f7-ed61-471e-9dac-442565a5d1d2) with your unique uuid(your_UUID) field.
#include "nsISupports.idl"
[scriptable, uuid(1c0856f7-ed61-471e-9dac-442565a5d1d2)]
interface KFFComponent : nsISupports
unsigned long long Add(in unsigned long long num1, in unsigned long long num2);
unsigned long long Sub(in unsigned long long num1, in unsigned long long num2);
Step 4: Open command prompt and go to "gecko-sdk/bin" and run following command:
$ ./xpidl -m header -I_DIR_ KFFComponent.idl
Replace "_DIR_" with the full path to the "gecko-sdk/idl". Above command will create "KFFComponent.h" header file.
Step 5: Now to create typelib file, execute following command
$ ./xpidl -m typelib -I_DIR_ KFFComponent.idl
Replace "_DIR_" with the full path to the "gecko-sdk/idl". Above command will create "KFFComponent.xpt" typelib file
Step 6: Interface header file contains the template for building our component header file as well as C++ Implementation file.
Step 7: Create our own component Header file "krpComponent.h", use following contents:
#include "KFFComponent.h"
#define KRP_COMPONENT_CONTRACTID "@mydomain.com/XPCOMSample/krpComponent;1"
#define KRP_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME "First XPCOM Sample Interface"
#define KRP_COMPONENT_CID {0x462EF8EF, 0x9A05, 0x49DE, {0x97, 0xAC, 0x82, 0x2A, 0x6C, 0x46, 0xD2, 0xDC } }
/* KRP_COMPONENT_CID = GUID (462EF8EF-9A05-49DE-97AC-822A6C46D2DC)
Note: Replace GUID with your own GUID field
/* Header file */
class krpComponent : public KFFComponent
/* additional members */
#endif /* end of _KRP_COMPONENT_H_ */
#include "krpComponent.h"
/* Implementation file */
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(krpComponent, KFFComponent)
/* member initializers and constructor code */
/* destructor code */
/* unsigned long long Add (in unsigned long long num1, in unsigned long long num2); */
NS_IMETHODIMP krpComponent::Add(PRUint64 num1, PRUint64 num2, PRUint64 *_retval)
*_retval = num1 + num2;
return NS_OK;
/* unsigned long long Sub (in unsigned long long num1, in unsigned long long num2); */
NS_IMETHODIMP krpComponent::Sub(PRUint64 num1, PRUint64 num2, PRUint64 *_retval)
*_retval = num1 - num2;
return NS_OK;
/* End of implementation class template. */
Step 9: Create our own Module definition file "krpComponentModule.cpp".
// This is necessary file to include Mozill Generic definations
#include "nsIGenericFactory.h"
//My Component Header File
#include "krpComponent.h"
static nsModuleComponentInfo components[] =
NS_IMPL_NSGETMODULE("krpComponentsModule", components)
B: Building our Component / Interface
Step 1: Create Makefile or use your own template
CXX = c++
CPPFLAGS += -fno-rtti \
-fno-exceptions \
# Change this to point at your Gecko SDK directory.
GECKO_SDK_PATH = /home/username/cprogs/gecko-sdk
# GCC only define which allows us to not have to #include mozilla-config
# in every .cpp file. If your not using GCC remove this line and add
# #include "mozilla-config.h" to each of your .cpp files.
GECKO_CONFIG_INCLUDE = -include mozilla-config.h
GECKO_LDFLAGS = -L $(GECKO_SDK_PATH)/lib -lxpcomglue \
-lnspr4 \
FILES = krpComponent.cpp krpComponentModule.cpp
TARGET = krpComponent.so
chmod +x $(TARGET)
strip $(TARGET)
rm $(TARGET)
Step 2: Run "make" command, and it "krpComponent.so" file will be created.
C: Registering the Component
Step 1: Copy krpComponent.so and KFFComponent.xpt file to "~/.mozilla/component" directory
Step 2: use command "regxpcom" to register component
$ ./regxpcom -x _DIR_PATH_OF_COMPONENT_
Replace _DIR_PATH_OF_COMPONENT with the path of component (krpComponent.so)
Step 3: Restart Mozilla.
D: Testing Component
You can either use Extension or HTML page to test our new Firefox C++ Component.
HTML Code of "TestComponent.html" page is as follows
try {
const cid = "@mydomain.com/XPCOMSample/krpComponent;1";
var obj = Components.classes[cid].createInstance();
var obj1 = obj.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.KFFComponent);
} catch (err) {
D: Testing Component
You can either use Extension or HTML page to test our new Firefox C++ Component.
HTML Code of "TestComponent.html" page is as follows
try {
const cid = "@mydomain.com/XPCOMSample/krpComponent;1";
var obj = Components.classes[cid].createInstance();
var obj1 = obj.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.KFFComponent);
var res = obj1.Sub(10, 5);
alert('Performing 10 - 5 = ' + res );
} catch (err) {
1. XPCOM GUIDE - http://www.iosart.com/firefox/xpcom/
2. Firefox Component - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/library/firefox_component.aspx
1. XPCOM GUIDE - http://www.iosart.com/firefox/xpcom/
2. Firefox Component - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/library/firefox_component.aspx
I have used same code given at yr website for windows and try to generate dll in visual studio 8. but it gives me error like this
ReplyDelete1.Error 5 error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00002E) "unsigned int __stdcall NS_TableDrivenQI(void *,struct QITableEntry const *,struct nsID const &,void * *)" (?NS_TableDrivenQI@@$$FYGIPAXPBUQITableEntry@@ABUnsID@@PAPAX@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __stdcall krpComponent::QueryInterface(struct nsID const &,void * *)" (?QueryInterface@krpComponent@@$$FUAGIABUnsID@@PAPAX@Z) XpcombyneelamCom.obj XpcombyneelamCom
2.Error 6 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "unsigned int __stdcall NS_TableDrivenQI(void *,struct QITableEntry const *,struct nsID const &,void * *)" (?NS_TableDrivenQI@@$$FYGIPAXPBUQITableEntry@@ABUnsID@@PAPAX@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __stdcall krpComponent::QueryInterface(struct nsID const &,void * *)" (?QueryInterface@krpComponent@@$$FUAGIABUnsID@@PAPAX@Z) XpcombyneelamCom.obj XpcombyneelamCom
Error 7 fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals C:\Neelam\XpcombyneelamCom\Debug\XpcombyneelamCom.dll XpcombyneelamCom